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Virgo Maria Potens III The Empress Sacred Mysteries of Mary Tarot deck |
Working on the Black Madonna tarot deck I have once again uncovered
many golden threads. One of them being the Presence of the Bee Goddess and
her Bee Priestesses. In the Mysteries of Mary deck there are many
references to the Sacred Bee.
Mary as The Empress Virgo Maria Potens
in the Sacred Mysteries of Mary Tarot deck is
connected to the Sacred Bee
Here Mary is the strong, powerful and positive Feminine,
Empress and Mother of the World.
She is pregnant with Life and the absolute abundance of creativity
and beauty and she is the womb of potential
for ever-returning life; the possibility of birthing
sustaining and fertile life both within the psyche,
the spiritual and the physical.
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The Empress The Mysteries of Mary tarot deck www.hergracesacredart.com |
Mary as the Empress embodies the powerful feminine force which is within
both the masculine and the feminine. This strength is not limited to the masculine
action of this world. The receptivity of the feminine does not make
her only submissive and dependent and the activity
of the masculine does not make it only divisive and cutting.
The strong positive feminine power within the Soul and
within the person, is often regarded as wild and chaotic
and it is also mostly deeply feared and our culture
believes that she should be controlled and harnessed
for our own use and benefit.
In a simplistic fashion, mother nature is seen
as the pure expression of the powerful feminine.
But mother nature, and our instinctual nature, is only a
part of the feminine power. The soul is, and in earlier times,
the Holy Spirit was as well, most often depicted as a woman
and if the soul is only seen as a wild force of nature which
should be dominated and controlled, where does that leave us
as human beings? And where does that put women
in this world of organisation and structure? And
what happens to traditionally womanly values
and enterprises and to whom is the mothering of
the world relegated? We end up with a world in
which the ideal and image of a
positive nurturing mother and the powerful empress
positive nurturing mother and the powerful empress
is completely absent.
She is surrounded by the symbols of the Mother of Nature
and the Mother as Earth as known to mankind
and the Mother as Earth as known to mankind
through the ages and throughout many cultures.
She is standing in the stream of living waters,
She is standing in the stream of living waters,
as they are eternally birthing through her.
She has the bee, the Queen bee, the sheafs of wheat, bunches
of grapes and is standing on a mountain covered in roses.
She is the Queen Bee surrounded by bees.
In the ancient world those who worshipped Demeter and Artemis
In the ancient world those who worshipped Demeter and Artemis
were referred to as 'bees' or 'melissas'.
The bee was also a symbol of Potnia, also referred to as the
pure Mother Bee in the Minoan mysteries.
The priestess at the sacred site of Delphi was known as
the 'honey bee' and honey has many sacred and profound metaphysical
and physical properties and metaphoric meaning.
In Samuel 1 "Jonathan... put forth the end of the rod
that was in his hand, and dipped it in a honey comb,
and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes were enlightened."
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The Empress The Mysteries of Mary tarot deck http://www.hergracesacredart.com |
Mary as The Empress embodies the great positive
Mother of the World. Through her courageous
acts of meekness and mercy she manifests
the positive feminine force in this world.
She is the icon and symbol of our own
positive feminine strength and courage
and of the great mothering power that we possess.
We are capable of great acts of kindness,
we are capable of staying present in life with an open
heart and being present to our own vulnerability
and allowing the infinite waters of compassion
to flow through us to all of creation and to all living creatures,
including ourselves.
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