Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Wonderful reviews for Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck

The mysteries of Mary tarot deck is pure union between spirit and soul.
 The energy contained in the sacred images and their 
direct line to the wisdom that lies within gives new depth and textures to the "religion of my soul" and my personal inner path as it unfolds. 

The insights it contains makes living the mysteries of this life rich -
the energy they radiate is palpable, giving a direct experience for strengthening and 
 cultivating faith and seeing beyond the veils to what is ...and it is pure devotion personified.

 Thank you for this work of art and the Mother's love xxx

Taryn Harris

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Full Moon in Gemini 2016

The Tree of Choices - Full Moon in Gemini

The Gemini Full Moon in the second week of December 2016
is represented by a number of cards in the deck.
The most important card for this full moon is
The Tree of Choices (traditionally The Lovers card).

When you look at the image you see that there are three main elements present.
Mother Mary, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Black Madonna
or Mary Magdalene.  This card implies choices are to be made.
It evokes choices and discernment.

According to the Judaic stories of the Old Testament, there were two trees:
the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life.
And Adam and Eve had to make a choice whether to listen to the snake
or God.  But the story has many layers of meaning and implication.
The snake has become demonised, probably because of the importance
of the snake in the Goddess worshipping tribes which the Jewish
Kings eradicated.  The snake represents the energetic force of life,
the power of transformation, the power of shape shifting and
the energies of the kundalini, referred to as the Holy Spirit in esoteric
Christian teachings.  Here we also see the split between Mary, the virgin
mother and the Black Holy Woman.  

The ancient stories condition us into divisive beliefs and automatic choices.

It is vital that you make use of these current full moon energies to make
your own choices and to let go of those that are no longer true to your understanding
and the future which you would like to step into.  

You are being called upon to make a choice, to use your discernment
to see what it is that you want in your life, and to let go of that which you no longer
want or need or that which no longer serve you.

XIX The Holy Child - Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck

Everything in our universe has a mirror image.
When you are confronted with a situation that you find challenging
or it is not what you desire, then find its mirror image and
coax that into your life.

The mirror image for the VI Tree of Choices is XIX The Holy Child.
Here we again have three elements, the boy child, the stag and the
girl child.

To balance the full moon energies of the Gemini moon, work with
the Holy Child.  This is traditionally The Sun card and represents
the highest representation of your ego or personality self.
Spend time focusing on that which you want to radiate into the world.

I Maria Prophitessa

In order to work with these energies, you need to invoke the properties
of Maria Prophitessa.  This is traditionally the Magician and the
energy of Mercury, the planet of communication and alchemy.

Here we have the Tree of Life bearing the twelve fruits as described
in Revelations 22:2  in the New Testament :

It flowed down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, 
bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. 
The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations.

Healing can be achieved in yourself and in your life, when you
step into acceptance and surrender.  The moment we accept a situation fully,
our resistance ceases and the tension can be released.  We often fear to surrender
as we then feel so helpless and vulnerable.  But how often are you really in control?
It is never in our own hands and acceptance and surrender opens the flood gates
of Grace into lives.  I interpret 'it flowed down the center of the main street'
as the holy kundalini flowing down the shushumna, the central column of the spine
and nervous system of the body.  This column joins the head to the heart and to the
entire nervous system and all organs and glands.  Enlightening insights and inspiration
flows from above the head, down the to rest of the body and being.

When the river flows down the main street of the body, you will harvest twelve crops
of fruit, similar to the image of the Holy Woman with the crown of twelve stars.


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Part two of the Handless Maiden

This is the second card that unfolds the deeper meaning and relevance
of the story of the Handless Maiden in the Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck.

The first card is the Miller's Daughter, Five of Roses in the 
Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck and you can find the link here :


The Millers Daughter

The story of the Handless Maiden unfolds through the Mysteries
of Mary Tarot Deck.

The Handless Maiden in the Forest

Chop off her hands otherwise I cannot come near her.” The father was horrified. “You want me to sever the hands of my own child?” The Devil bellowed, “Everything here will die, including you, your wife, and all the fields as far as you can see.” The father was so frightened he obeyed… – The Handless Maiden in Women who Run with the Wolves.

Here we pick up the story of the Handless Maiden. We left off in card V of this suit where the Devil could not come near the daughter. This battle between the devil and the daughter continued as she washed her hands and drew a circle of protection around her. But then the Devil demanded from her father that he cut off her hands! A horrific scene follows in which her father sharpens his axe and both father and daughter scream as he amputates her hands.

To this vicious act the daughter answers: “I am your child, do as you must.”

Do you hear the similarity in her reply to the reply that Mary gave to the Archangel Gabriel? ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word.’ We see the receptivity of the feminine in both these replies. As said previously, this aspect of the feminine is often despised and feared and maybe it is because it will undoubtedly change one’s life path forever.

The Devil still cannot take the daughter despite the loss of her hands and he storms off into the woods. The father offers to take care of his daughter in luxury and riches. But the daughter chooses not to stay with her father and to rather enter the forest in search of a new life. Here the maiden shows us the courage of one who realises that the soul is going through a transformation. If this transformation is to be completed, it is necessary to leave behind the old and the wounding. 

Hands symbolise our ability to ‘do’ for ourselves and our ability to ‘grasp’ and ‘take hold of’. Without hands one is powerless to take care of oneself on a very basic level of survival with greater implications for the survival of the soul. It is also implied that she needs to leave and to be by herself in order to grasp what has taken place here.  She has to act now to protect herself from more harm.

‘And so she had her arms bound in clean gauze, and at daybreak she walked away from her life as she had once known it.’ The young maiden sets out into the unknown forest and this is where this shrine places her in the story. The forest represents the unknown feminine psyche and the shadowy characters that lurk in the hidden unconscious. Throughout time orchards, trees and forests have been sacred to the goddess and the Divine Feminine. 

The young maiden comes to a magical orchard which she could not enter. The orchard was surrounded by a moat and she could see the beautiful pears glowing on the trees. She was starving and really needed to get to the fruit. In the version of this story in Women who Run with Wolves a spirit appeared to help her, but in the Polish folk version of legends of Mary gathered by Rasa Luzyte, Mother Mary appears at her side. She helps her across the moat and picks one of the beautiful lush golden pears for her to eat.

In this version of the story we see once again the connection between the tree and specifically the pear tree, Mother Mary and the feminine soul and the soul of women in particular. This part of the story illustrates to us that we are never lost and forgotten. We learn that we are mysteriously and magically protected and taken care of. Both in the imagery of the white spirit and the presence of Mary, do we see the promise of the Guardian Angel Within, that we are not abandoned to the cruelty of others. It does not matter what terrible deeds are done to you, your soul stays intact and whole and protected by Its Radiant Presence.

This shrine shows the two blue birds of happiness at the top indicating that it is one of the fairy tale shrines in the deck. I used a pomegranate tree to represent the Divine Feminine here and to indicate that this is a sacred forest with deeper meaning in which the handless maiden is wandering.  I combined the image of Holy Mary with the Handless Maiden to bring home the understanding that both Mary and women have been disempowered in our world.  At the bottom of the shrine are two golden hands representing the ego’s attempt to replace feminine values with golden hands of treasures and riches. On the right is the hand of Mary ‘handing’ the pear to the maiden.
This card indicates radical change and transformation. It speaks to you of change on various levels of your being and your life. This will be a window of opportunity so you are advised to act without hesitation and to cooperate with the powers of transformation.

The Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck is available on this website at this page :



Saturday, December 3, 2016

Daily Readings

Daily Spread and Tarot Altar

The most powerful way to work with your
Mysteries of Mary Deck is to draw a daily
card and to 'spend' the day with it.

This way you really come to understand the nuances of the card,
how it unfolds in your daily life, and which inner voices
resonate with it.

It is very simple but profound if you work with it consistently
in this manner.

The first step is to create a tarot altar and shrine for your daily card.

The more you work with your cards and the more time you spend with them,
the more they absorb your energies and vibrations and you will 
be amazed at the synchronicity of cards that appear.
You will also come to realise that all flows from within and
that whatever you put out, manifests in your world.

The second step is to divide the deck into three parts.

Pick a card from one of the three piles.

This will be the card for the day.

Place it on your shrine and keep it where you can see it
and be reminded of its imagery.

Read its piece in the Mysteries of Mary Companion Book.
It is ideal to keep a tarot journal.
You can write down thoughts and insights that may come to you
during the day and especially in your dreams.  You will find
that these archetypes become living beings in your psyche
and has the power to bring you great insights and allow
for inner transformation.

Subscribe to this blog and you will receive regular updates and
spreads and layouts.
You can click on the Spreads and Layouts tabs where all
the different spreads for working with this deck will be published.

I would love to hear from you and your experiences with the
Mysteries of Mary Tarot deck.
You are also welcome to send questions that you may have.



Sunday, November 27, 2016

Fairytale in Mary Tarot Deck

The Miller's Daugher
V Holy Rood - Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck

We are shipping!  Fifty parcels are being shipped since last week
- you can expect your package to arrive soon!

A few fairytales are included in the Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck.  Some of them were chosen as they relate to a specific archetype in both the tarot and the stories of Mary.

The fairy tale of the Handless Maiden was chosen because Mary
appears in an Eastern European folktale version of the story. 
In some versions an angel or a being of light appears to help the 
Handless Maiden, but in this particular folktale, Mary herself appears
to help the maiden.

The story of the Handless Maiden and her powerful symbology is told over
three cards in the deck.  The V of Holy Rood (traditionally Wands) is the first
one.  This card is titled The Miller's Daughter and we are introduced to
the young maiden, her father, the devil and very importantly, the apple tree.

The Miller's daughter is standing next to the apple tree with a loaf of bread
(food produced by the miller) on her shoulder.  She, as well as the significant apple
tree represents feminine values and attributes.    Feminine qualities and attributes
live in both male and female.  The story of speaks of the 'miller' and not the maiden's father.
This demonstrates that great importance is given to his occupation in the world, 
rather than his role as father.
From the start we see the focus and emphasis on masculine goals and values.
In our culture the masculine values and attributes are greatly admired and promoted.
The emphasis on the miller, his greed for money, his disregard for both the apple tree
and his daughter, reflects and highlights the imbalance which exists and
the lack of reverence for the less visible feminine principles.

The apple blossom is a symbol of fertility and sensuality.
In Celtic lore the apple tree is the Tree of Love.

At the top of the shrine are two hands.  These will take
you to the next part of the story which is further developed
in VII of Holy Rood,, where the Handless Maiden enters the forest.

Traditionally this card means conflict and in this deck it refers to inner conflict.
The really important questions in life you have to find the answers to
yourself. Do not rely on the opinion of others.  Do not rely
on 'the done thing' or the accepted way of doing.
In other words, do not make a pact with the devil for your most
precious feminine feeling  and earthy nature.
Dig deep and feel the discomfort of the inner conflict
and may you find peace.

This is an extract from the discussion of this card in companion book
to the Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck


Sunday, November 13, 2016

VI of Roses - Hannah's Song

VI of Roses - Hannah's Song

VI of Roses – Hannah’s Song

‘And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoices in the Lord, my horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over my enemies; because I rejoice in your salvation.’ – 1 Sam 1:2.

The Hebrew name Hannah means ‘he has favoured me’ or ‘God’s given gift to the world’. The name Hannah translated into Greek, is Anna or Anne (the name of Mary’s mother). Both Hannah and Anna were women filled with the despair and bitterness of being barren. They both desperately desired to become mothers. Both said lengthy prayers to Yahweh for the gift of motherhood. Echoing in the prayer songs of Hannah and Anna is the loss of the Mother God. Echoing in both these women’s pleas is the pain of the absence of a divine mother who can understand the barren landscape of an unfertilised garden and the staleness of unchanging seasons. Both Hannah and Anna were blessed with becoming pregnant in their old age. 

Hannah’s Song resounds with the cadence of Mary’s Magnificat. There is a tradition of women prophets and visionaries which unfolds through their songs in the Biblical stories.  
In the discussion of the card of Miriam VII of Vessels, I quoted Phyllis Trible’s work on comparing the words of the Magnificat and the Sea of the Song.

Below is the first part of Hannah’s Song:

My heart rejoices in the Lord!
The Lord has made me strong.
Now I have an answer for my enemies;
I rejoice because you rescued me.
No one is holy like the Lord!
There is no one besides you;
there is no Rock like our God.

In this shrine we see an image of Hannah, surrounded by the fecundity and abundance of the Great Mother. While Hannah was without child, she had no appetite for life. She spent hours in prayer and beseeching Yahweh to gift her with a child. Mothering is the divine nature of life and providing for all her children alike is the divine purpose of the Great Mother.  Here is Hannah in the image of the Great Mother Goddess, laden with the fertility and fecundity of nature. She carries an armful of wheat, a basket of fruit and at her feet sits the water bucket. Next to Hannah is the goose, an ancient symbol of the Great Mother. Mother Goose was seen as the great goddess of abundance and fertility.

Today we know Mother Goose as the teller of fairy tales, but as we have already seen, that is an auspicious role in myth making. We also know that the goddess and her images had to go underground and hiding her in the figure of Mother Goose was a clever way of hiding her traditions in plain sight in a time of persecution and suppression.

Mother Goose is referred to as Frau Gode in German stories. Goose translates as ‘gans’ in German; so the question is where does the name Frau Gode fit in? A direct translation would be ‘Mrs God’. We also know the fairy tale of the goose that lays the golden egg. The egg has always carried the meaning of life and rebirth in ancient traditions. It also symbolizes new life and transformation. The shape of the egg also has connotations as it is similar to the vesica piscis. (See in King of Distaff.) Goose is a partial anagram of goddess and Mother Goose hides the word Mother Goddess. The mother aspect of the goddess is still present today in Mother Mary. Mother Goose is seen as the magical author of all the fairy tales, reminiscent of our understanding of the Shekinah or Sophia. The old Germanic goddess Holde has always been connected to Mother Goose. There are many similarities between, for instance, both flew through the air on birds, or in wagons or sleighs pulled by birds. After the fall of Rome, Holda merged with the goddess Aphrodite, riding on the back of a goose through the sky.

This card speaks about abundance and generosity. You are reminded of the fertile nature of Life and her ability to take care of all your needs. You may be at the receiving end of someone else’s generosity or you may be the generous one. Either way, this card follows on the dark days of illness and loss of the previous card and you are assured that a change in fortune and heart is taking place.

- extract from The Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck



Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck

Purchase the Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck and Book Set

The special edition includes :
the 78 card deck of Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck presented
in a handcrafted tarot pouch and
the 160 page companion book,
and an extra signed tarot card

The back of the tarot cards

Unique Mysteries of Mary Tarot Pouch

The Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck is a unique deck of cards and companion book published by myself in Cape Town, South Africa. The Mysteries of Mary Tarot is a mystical vision of the sacred mysteries of the Soul and its unsung feminine path. The Mysteries tells of a sacred marriage of the Bride and the Beloved : a new mythos of the Story of the Child Within and the Gospel of Love. A mystical vision of the religion of the Soul as reflected in the archetypal images of the story of Divine Mary in the Mariamic tradition. 

The deck consists of 78 handcrafted shrines, professionally designed and printed in a large card format on a 350 gsm good quality card stock. The style and colours used create a rich tapestry of imagery, symbol and colour. The accompanying 145 page guide book has a glossy paperback cover. The first run of 30 decks has been sold out, but a second print is being done now deck and shipping will happen at the end of November of all goes as planned. Each limited edition deck will be signed by myself and each deck will come in its own unique tarot pouch.

VI of Holy Rood
Mary and the Eastern Gate 

Today we know the Blessed Mary as the Mother of Jesus who plays a small part in the story of Protestant Christianity and who plays an important part in the Roman Catholic tradition. She is lesser known as a goddess in the feminine traditions and very few would connect her with the great Mother goddesses of the past or the Lady Sophia in the Wisdom traditions.

But to myself, and others like me, there is a connection, a red thread that connects the dots in the eye of the heart. The ancient divine feminine had been demonised many moons ago and her stories had gone underground. One has to rely on myth, folk tale, oral traditions, fairy tales and subtle clues and especially correspondences, to uncover Her story. And today Mary is the Sacred Keeper of all Our Lady’s titles and Wisdom.

The Mysteries of Mary is a reweaving and a regathering of all these threads of Our Lady’s garment created from red wool and linen. We look in the Bible, in the Koran, the Kabbalah and many other ancient and rediscovered lost books. There are also esoteric and apocryphal books that tell the stories of Mary, the feminine counterpart of the Divine Creator in the Western religion and myth and many of these stories have been included to create The Mysteries of Mary deck. In this deck the story starts with Mara, the bitter one. Why is she called Mara? We follow Mara, the holy fool through the stories of Maria Prophetissa, the Jewess and the first woman alchemist, to Sophia, Mary of the Gael onwards till we get to the Woman who stands on the moon with twelve stars around her head.

Woven into the tapestry of myth, metaphor and inspiration, are fairytales and in particular, the folktale of The Handless Maiden. And so are the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, pagan and especially the Judaic history which is the precursor to the Christian mysteries.

Backs of cards

The deck incorporates alchemical principles and as such it is a marriage of opposites, a living hieros gamos which follows the sacred journey of the Holy Fool through the mysteries of Mary. I focus on the mystical (hidden) and inner meanings of the Mysteries of Mary. Historically and politically there are so many theories and ideas – none of them completely provable – thus it remains a Mystery. The teachings of Jesus and the Marys, are also open to various interpretations. Many wars have been fought based on differences in interpretation. I am not exploring the religion of the Mystery, but rather the message that I, personally see in this ancient story.

The four suits of the deck correspond with the four cycles of Marys life : Virgin and Priestess as the Suit of Vessels; Beloved and Bride as the Suit of the Holyrood; Mother and Sacred Woman as the Suit of Distaff and Wisdom as Suit of Roses.

It is my vision that this deck can be the start of a far greater vision : one that marries the mind and the heart; the feminine and the masculine. It is my hope that you will glimpse the revelation that all religion contains Soul and that the veils of dogma and manipulation obscure the truth. May you look in the mirror of Sophia and see yourself as Love Eternal. - extracted from the Introduction of the accompanying book.

The full price of the deck and book set is USD75.00 plus $20.00 shipping with a tracking number
shipped worldwide. This is for international airmail, registered mail with a tracking number.

Payments can be made through PayPal
by choosing a button and and add to cart

shipping and registration

If you are shopping locally and want to pay in South African Rands
it is cheaper for you to pay into my bank account.  Should you choose to
do so, please send me an email to let me know that you paid
for a deck.

The price of the of deck and book set is R1500.00

If you need a layaway plan please send me a mail

Shipping in South Africa is R150,00 or R100 via PostNet


The Full Deck and Book Set costs R1500,00

kindly send an email to hettienne@telkomsa.net to let me know that you paid

            Please use the account details below for payment.

             Account Details:

        Account number:   276532481
             Account holder: Hettienne Grobler
Account : Savings
Bank Name:  Standard Bank, South Africa 
Branch Name & Code:  Tyger Manor Branch 050410
International Swift Code : SBZAZAJJXXX

Thursday, October 13, 2016

St Théresè and the Miracle of the Smiling Mary

V or Roses
Mysteries of Mary Deck www.hergracesacredart.com

“When I die, I will send down a shower of roses from the heavens’ – St Thèrése, the Little Flower

V of Roses -   St Théresè  d’Lisieux
The Miracle of the Smiling Mary

St  Théresè,  was born in 1873 in France, the youngest child of nine.  Only five children survived and Théresè herself, was a sickly and sensitive child.  She lost her mother at the age of four and her eldest sister took care of her.  When her sister entered the Carmelite order (Théresè was only 9 years old) she felt incredibly abandoned and lost.  

A miniature replica of the statue of The Smiling Mary

She became very ill and the doctors could not ascertain what was wrong with her.  For three weeks she had a raging fever and they feared for her life.  Théresè’s sisters prayed for her and placed a statue of Mary next to her bed.  In her lifestory Story of a Soul, she writes that she saw the statue of the blessed Mary smile at her and she was miraculously cured.  Since then she was devoted to Mary and wrote many poems about her love for Mary.  She wrote that Mary showed her that she is her real mother and she restored her happiness and joy despite the loss of her mother and sister.  Théresè went to live with the nuns at a very young age by special permission and herself became a Carmelite nun and later a Doctor of the Church.  She died in obscurity but her sister collected all her sayings and after her death she distributed these.  The demand for Théresè’s particular spirituality became so big, that her autobiography was published.

In this shrine of St Théresè d’Lisieux is a replica of the statue of the smiling Mary.  Roses fall from Théresè’s hand as she promised that she would shower the world with roses after her death and this prophecy became true as she has many followers and devotees today and a huge basilica was built in her honour in Lisieux where you can immerse yourself in the energy of the Smiling Mary.

This card speaks to you about loss and suffering endured and the redemption that is within your reach.  You may have suffered a loss;  you may be ill at the moment or you may be aware of the pain and suffering in the world.  This card reminds you that Mary is also smiling at you and that she is as close as your next breath.  Despite pain and suffering, when inner realisation happens, it does so seemingly miraculously.  Your inner pain can be so severe and the world seem so dark and yet, when your mind and heart rests on the image of a smiling Mary in the inner world, it is as though the sun rises and the dark night disappears.  The Smiling Mary represents an understanding and illumination that all humans carry within and words cannot explain the inexplicable.  It is truly a Mystery that we can have intense joy and utmost despair side by side within ourselves.  When you feel yourself saying in the darkness of despair too long, merely turn your inner focus to the joy that is available to you and you will experience the miracle of the Smiling Mary.

The Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck is currently being printed and I
am taking pre-orders on this limited edition.
One-third already sold!  thank you!!


Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Feast Day of the Nativity of Divine Mary, Holy Daughter

Nativity of Holy Child-Daughter
II Roses
Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck

By honouring and acknowledging the birth of the holy child-daughter, Mary Herself, the masculine story is changed and the daughter and girl-child becomes sacred in the collective unconscious.

‘A hermit had on a certain night for many years heard music in the heavens. When he asked the cause an angel answered, : the Virgin was born this night, and what is ignored on earth is being celebrated by angels’ – Legends of Mary, Thirteenth Century

In this card we see the birth of the holy daughter, the female bearer of the Christ.  When one considers that the term Christ or Christed One is a title and not part of a name, then the sentence ‘female bearer of the Christ’ has a completely different meaning.  Mary is the feminine companion to Jesus or Maryam to Yeshua in the original Aramaic.  As we saw earlier three Marys always accompanied Jesus one of whom was his mother and one his companion or beloved.  Reading these words and stories with the inner mystical eye of vision and understanding, we understand that the psyche has four aspects : two masculine and two feminine and these are referred to as mother, father, daughter and son.  The picture reflected a whole psyche is incomplete without the daughter.  What would change within both men and women when the Christ appears in female form?  Or when the Christ appears as a divine couple? 

In the Lost Books of the Bible, The Gospel of the Birth of Mary, Mary’s lineage and birth is described in detail.    Mary of Agreda in her book The Mystical City of God which describes the details of the life of the Virgin, calls the child Mary, ‘the true living Ark of the covenant’.

In the Koran it is told that in the year 16 BCE, the people of Jerusalem are awaiting the birth of the son of Imran (Anna in Greek). Instead of the much-anticipated "Messiah", a girl is born to Imran and Anna. The latter names her Mary, which means "Servant of God". Did they miss the birth of the Messiah through their expectation that he has to be male?

 In the Gospel of the Birth of Mary, it is described that the angel visited both Joachim and Anna (Mary’s parents) on two separate occasions.  Mary’s conception and birth was a miraculous one.  Anna, her mother was barren until the Archangel Gabriel visited her and declared that her barren womb will be opened by God and that the Holy Spirit will descend into the body of her daughter Mary whilst still in the womb.  Mary referred to herself as The Immaculate Conception when She appeared to Bernadette at Lourdes.   The sanctuary of the nativity of the virgin Mary is in Milan and her tiny effigy wrapped in lace and swaddling clothes is known as Santa Maria Bambina.  Her nativity is on 8 September and is one of the twelve major feast days in the liturgical calendar.    In the years between 1720 and 1730 a Franciscan nun from Todi (Sister Chiara Isabella Fornari) created wax statues of Mary as a baby. One of these dolls was donated to the Capuchin Sisters of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Milan. Eventually the statue arrived at the General House of the Sisters of Charity of Lovere , in Via Santa Sofia in Milan, and these sisters are called "Maria Bambina" .
The miraculous image of Maria Bambina was made prior to 1730 by a Franciscan nun who afterwards entrusted Her to others. During the ensuing years, she came into the care of the Sisters of Charity at Lovere, Italy. In 1856, these Sisters of Charity were asked to take over the management of the Hospital of Ciceri in Milan and, in 1876, this waxen image was carried to their Mother House there at Via Santa Sofia 13, where she has remained ever since.
The beautiful image of the Maria Bambina was exposed for veneration only on the 8th of September, the Feast of Mary's Nativity. In 1884, those who were devoted to the Maria Bambina received a reward for their devotion. Due to paralysis in her arms and feet, Sister Josephine Woinovich was bedridden and in unbearable pain. On the 8th of September, she begged the Mother General to get Maria Bambina and leave the image near her overnight. The following morning the Mother General was inspired to take the image, so old, worn and grayish colored to the other sick Sisters in the infirmary so they could kiss her.

There was in the infirmary a good novice, Giulia Macario, who was unable to move because of her serious illness, but who, overcome by her ardent faith, took the image into her arms and pleaded with her in tender and loving words for the grace for her recovery. She was immediately and miraculously cured, for such Faith moves mountains. And at the same time this image itself underwent an amazing transformation from the former dull gray color to the warm flesh hues it has today, as can be seen, where she is enshrined in the Sanctuary of the Mother House in Milan.

In this card we see the birth of the holy daughter, the female bearer of the Christ.  When one considers that the term Christ or Christed One is a title and not part of a name, then the sentence ‘female bearer of the Christ’ has a completely different meaning.  Mary is the feminine companion to Jesus or Maryam to Yeshua in the original Aramaic.  As we saw earlier three Marys always accompanied Jesus one of whom was his mother and one his companion or beloved.  Reading these words and stories with the inner mystical eye of vision and understanding, we understand that the psyche has four aspects : two masculine and two feminine and these are referred to as mother, father, daughter and son.  The picture reflected a whole psyche is incomplete without the daughter.  What would change within both men and women when the Christ appears in female form?  Or when the Christ appears as a divine couple? 

Luce Irigaray in her work says that ‘there is no woman God, no female trinity: mother, daughter, spirit.  This paralyses the infinite of becoming a woman since she is fixed in the role of mother through whom the son of God is made flesh’

By honouring and acknowledging the birth of the holy child-daughter, Mary Herself, the masculine story is changed and the daughter and girl-child becomes sacred in the collective unconscious.

Santa Maria Bambina with golden wool
Handmaiden of Suit of Distaff
Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck

These stories of the divine are powerful myths which activate and animate archetypes in our consciousness.  Mary calls Herself the Immaculate Conception and as such Her birth is truly a divine birth of a divine female and feminine which has been lying fast asleep like the princess in Sleeping Beauty (Card IV of the Suit of the Distaff).  Creating art and seeing images of Mary as the holy girl-child  and images of the Sacred Mother and Daughter will change our understanding of the world and our Soul completely.

Mary serving as priestess in Temple of the Dove
Four of Vessels
Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck

I used mainly Western Christian Catholic icons, statues and symbolism, which I combined with the wider vision of the journey of the feminine divine as archetype of the Self. By juxtaposing these well-known images onto a different context and by re-connecting their symbolism to the correspondences found in myths, legend, fairy tale and stories carried down through the ages, a deeper, more meaningful picture unfolds.  I set out taking the well-known Christian images of Mary (and really mostly the only ones readily available) out of their Roman Catholic context thus giving them new meaning.  As my own personal journey evolved and I immersed myself into the Christian mysteries at the sites sacred to Mary that I visited, I discovered that the numinous emanation of Mary truly still does exist in the Christian art and symbology.  I found that She had merely been veiled by dogma and conditioned belief and that when you see with ‘new eyes’, then the true Divine Mary and Goddess is still radiating Her Presence and always has done so.  I realised that the Christian churches and copious art works has been the vessel for Her through the dark ages of the suppressed feminine.  This awakened the inspiration and resolve within myself to reveal Her to others in the same way that She revealed Herself to me.

A limited edition of the Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck and Book 
is now available on pre-order
on my website here :



Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck and Guide Book Set - Pre-Orders now open





Yohannen, John the Baptist from The Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck

The Mysteries of Mary Tarot Deck is a unique deck of cards and guide book published by The Temple of Mary in Cape Town, South Africa. The Mysteries of Mary Tarot is a mystical vision of the sacred mysteries of the Soul and its unsung feminine path. The Mysteries tells of a sacred marriage of the Bride and the Beloved : a new mythos of the Story of the Child Within and the Gospel of Love. A mystical vision of the religion of the Soul as reflected in the archetypal images of the story of Divine Mary in the Mariamic tradition. 

The deck consists of 78 handcrafted shrines, professionally designed and printed in a large card format on a good quality card stock. The style and colours used create a rich tapestry of imagery, symbol and colour. The accompanying guide book has a paperback cover. The deck is currently being printed and only 30 decks will be printed. Each limited edition deck will be signed by myself and each deck will come in its own unique box. Delivery is expected the last week of October or the first week of November 2016. 

Today we know the Blessed Mary as the Mother of Jesus who plays a small part in the story of Protestant Christianity and who plays an important part in the Roman Catholic tradition. She is lesser known as a goddess in the feminine traditions and very few would connect her with the great Mother goddesses of the past or the Lady Sophia in the Wisdom traditions.

But to myself, and others like me, there is a connection, a red thread that connects the dots in the eye of the heart. The ancient divine feminine had been demonised many moons ago and her stories had gone underground. One has to rely on myth, folk tale, oral traditions, fairy tales and subtle clues and especially correspondences, to uncover Her story. And today Mary is the Sacred Keeper of all Our Lady’s titles and Wisdom.

The Mysteries of Mary is a reweaving and a regathering of all these threads of Our Lady’s garment created from red wool and linen. We look in the Bible, in the Koran, the Kabbalah and many other ancient and rediscovered lost books. There are also esoteric and apocryphal books that tell the stories of Mary, the feminine counterpart of the Divine Creator in the Western religion and myth and many of these stories have been included to create The Mysteries of Mary deck. In this deck the story starts with Mara, the bitter one. Why is she called Mara? We follow Mara, the holy fool through the stories of Maria Prophetissa, the Jewess and the first woman alchemist, to Sophia, Mary of the Gael onwards till we get to the Woman who stands on the moon with twelve stars around her head.

Woven into the tapestry of myth, metaphor and inspiration, are fairytales and in particular, the folktale of The Handless Maiden. And so are the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, pagan and especially the Judaic history which is the precursor to the Christian mysteries.

The deck incorporates alchemical principles and as such it is a marriage of opposites, a living hieros gamos which follows the sacred journey of the Holy Fool through the mysteries of Mary. I focus on the mystical (hidden) and inner meanings of the Mysteries of Mary. Historically and politically there are so many theories and ideas – none of them completely provable – thus it remains a Mystery. The teachings of Jesus and the Marys, are also open to various interpretations. Many wars have been fought based on differences in interpretation. I am not exploring the religion of the Mystery, but rather the message that I, personally see in this ancient story.

The four suits of the deck correspond with the four cycles of Marys life : Virgin and Priestess as the Suit of Vessels; Beloved and Bride as the Suit of the Holyrood; Mother and Sacred Woman as the Suit of Distaff and Wisdom as Suit of Roses.

It is my vision that this deck can be the start of a far greater vision : one that marries the mind and the heart; the feminine and the masculine. It is my hope that you will glimpse the revelation that all religion contains Soul and that the veils of dogma and manipulation obscure the truth. May you look in the mirror of Sophia and see yourself as Love Eternal. - extracted from the Introduction of the accompanying book.

The deck consists of 78 handcrafted shrines, professionally printed in a large card format on a good quality card stock. The style and colours used create a rich tapestry of imagery, symbol and colour. The accompanying book has a paperback cover. The deck is currently being printed and only 30 decks will be printed. Each limited edition deck will be signed by myself and each deck will come in a unique box. Delivery is expected the first week of November 2016. 



The full price of the deck and book set is USD50 plus shipping with a tracking number.

You can choose to pay a deposit of USD25 now and the balance when the deck is ready to be shipped.

Payments can be made through PayPal below.

If you are shopping locally and want to pay in South African Rands

it is cheaper for you to pay into my bank account.  Should you choose to

do so, please send me an email to let me know that you paid

for a deck.

The price of the of deck and book set is R750.00

If you buy two or more sets, you can get the sets at R700 per set.

To pre-order a deposit of R350 per set is accepted
If you need a layaway plan please send me a mail




The full price for the deck and book set is $50 plus $12 shipping worldwide

You have the option of paying a deposit of $25 which will secure a deck

for you.  Balance to be paid on shipping.


Choose a payment option

Shipping costs $12.00 worldwide with tracking to be paid on shipping


The Full Deck and Book Set costs R750,00
You can choose to pay R300 now which will secure a deck for you
and pay the balance on shipping.

kindly send an email to hettiennema@gmail.com to let me know that you paid

            Please use the account details below for payment.

             Account Details:

        Account number:   276532481
             Account holder: Hettienne Grobler
Account : Savings
Bank Name:  Standard Bank, South Africa
Branch Name & Code:  Tyger Manor Branch 050410
International Swift Code : SBZAZAJJXXX